Trust and Estate Planning Made Comfortable
We are life planners with a unique ability to comfortably and openly discuss death and incapacity. When we co-founded our estate planning law practice, we soon realized that most people do not share our same comfort in discussing these sensitive subjects. Many of our clients are hesitant in preparing a living trust, will, medical directive, power of attorney, and other estate planning documents simply because they are uncomfortable thinking about death.
After completing the estate planning process with us, these same clients feel an overwhelming sense of happiness and gratitude. Although these feelings may surprise you, it is well documented that thinking about death actually promotes happiness as it allows a person to focus on what matters most and let go of what doesn’t.
In Bhutan (a country located in Southeast Asia), people are encouraged to think about death five times a day; yet, Bhutan is celebrated as the happiest place on Earth.
The concept is simple: by accepting death, you come to understand that your life is precious. In turn, you are more likely to focus on what is important and not let insignificant matters clutter your mind and life. In keeping with this concept, estate planning helps you plan for the inevitable, find comfort in knowing your loved ones are protected, and discover peace and joy in daily living.
As estate planning and living trust attorneys in Glendale, we have guided hundreds of families and individuals through the planning process while creating a comfortable environment to discuss the sometimes uncomfortable topics of death and incapacity.
Moizesch Berberyan LLP is a dedicated and experienced estate planning law firm serving clients throughout the greater Los Angeles area, including Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, and the San Fernando Valley as well as all other counties throughout Southern and Northern California.